Our Services
We invest in residential real estate with the sole purpose of helping to improve the welfare of families challenged in finances and education. Through new construction and renovation of existing homes, it also seeks to improve the condition of less appealing neighborhoods.
Residential and Commercial Real Estate
Buy. Renovate. Sell single family properties
Long-term lease multi-family properties
Lease option to purchase single family and commercial properties
New housing and commercial design build
Education and
Apprenticeship in Construction Trades
Finance – debt elimination, investing, retirement funding
Post homeownership care
Entrepreneurship and product development (TOUCH)
Scholarship program
Papillon Group is a three phase for-profit corporation: Phase I – real estate acquisition, rehabilitation and sale; Phase II – training, education, and employment; Phase III – client investing and entrepreneurial growth.
Our company begins with a house and its preservation, focusing on excellence in quality and craftsmanship. Next, we educate and train interested individuals to successfully duplicate the system we use; then teach them how to become financially independent and encourage entrepreneurial growth.